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Awesome we haven’t had no problems with any of the vapes will be ordering soon this is the only place I buy from love this site Thanks
Battery lasts a long time. Wife live them for the simplicity of the vape.
Very nice sweetness. I would buy again
Really loved the flavor of these. Could be a better size in your hand, but works well and makes great smoke.
One of my favorites. Amazing flavor and lasts longer than expected. Wonderful product
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Awesome we haven’t had no problems with any of the vapes will be ordering soon this is the only place I buy from love this site Thanks
Battery lasts a long time. Wife live them for the simplicity of the vape.
Very nice sweetness. I would buy again
Really loved the flavor of these. Could be a better size in your hand, but works well and makes great smoke.
One of my favorites. Amazing flavor and lasts longer than expected. Wonderful product